Advisories Events

Baguio cemeteries close for visitation on October 29 to November 2

BAGUIO CITY — Public and private cemeteries in the city will be closed during the observance of All Saints’ and All Souls’ Days from October 29 to November 2 this year, in accordance with a previously approved resolution by the Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID). The IATF move was to prevent gatherings […]

Resolutions and Ordinances The Nation

Accessible education sought

“90 percent of students who work do so “out of necessity — para makatapos. Minsan nahihiya sa pamilya na y’ung kapatid hindi nakakapag-aral”
-former House Speaker Alan Peter Cayetano

News Resolutions and Ordinances

Council backs telephone, internet installation in military reservations

BAGUIO CITY — The Baguio City council recently approved a resolution requesting the Philippine Military Academy (PMA) to allow installation, repair, and maintenance of internet and telephone connections at Saint Joseph Village Barangay, Fort Del Pilar Barangay, Upper Market Subdivision Barangay, and other areas in the city declared as military reservations. In a statement, the […]