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Karpov to personally annotate documentary of historic Baguio chess match

BAGUIO CITY — Former World Chess Champion, Anatoly Karpov, is set to return to the city on February 1, 2023 for a half-day visit.

The main event of the visit will be a personal appearance at the Baguio Convention Center, now Baguio Convention and Cultural Center (BCCC) where Karpov will engage in a chess match with local enthusiasts led by the Baguio Chess Club.

According to a statement issued by the city information office Friday, January 27th, Mayor Benjamin B. Magalong has welcomed Karpov’s visit and is excited to host the famed ex-world chess champion at the Baguio Convention Center, the same location where he competed in a historic match against fellow Russian Viktor Korchnoi.

“As a chess enthusiast myself, I express the gratitude of our people in spreading the welcome mat for Mr. Karpov in his first-ever visit to the Summer Capital of the Philippines, after winning his chess match with a tough contender,” he said, stating that Baguio’s officialdom is honored to have him back even for a short visit.

The mayor has also invited city chess players, specifically those from the Baguio Chess Club, to attend a film screening of the famous match, which Karpov will personally annotate.

The visit will commence at noon with a courtesy call and lunch with the city’s chief executive, followed by a tour of the BCCC, and the film presentation open to the public.

Karpov will depart the city in the afternoon for his return trip to the capital.###

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